To quickly search for info in PowerSchool, these queries (and many more) can be used in the PS search box on the Start Page of PS Admin:
General Searches:
first_name=Logan returns all students with first name Logan
first_name=L@ returns all students with first name that starts with L
last_name contains - returns all students with a hyphen in their last name. You are welcome.
@bardo returns all students whose last name ends with "bardo"
Grade_level=8 returns all 8th grade students
Grade_level in 8,9,10 returns all students in grades 8, 9, and 10
gender=f returns all female students
Mailing_street contains Lamar returns any students living on a street with "Lamar" in the name
Alert_guardian# returns any students with a guardian alert
Alert_medical contains peanut returns any students with a medical alert that includes the word "peanut"
*birthday=today returns all students with a birthday today (or set a specific date)
*enrolled_in=ELA01.5 returns all students enrolled in a section with that course code (the .5 indicated the specific section... that can be present or left off, depending on your needs)
*not_enrolled_in=ELA01.5 returns all students NOT enrolled in a section with that course code (the .5 indicated the specific section... that can be present or left off, depending on your needs)
*as_of=7/30/2020 returns students active as of that specific date
/exitdate<12/25/2020 returns all inactive students who withdrew before a specific date
/enroll_status=-1 returns preregistered students
/enroll_status=1 returns inactive students
/enroll_status=2 returns transferred students
Grade_Level=7; last_name >= a; last_name<l returns all 7th graders with last names from A to K
Grade_Level=4; *as_of=7/1/2020 returns all 4th grade students enrolled as of July 1, 2020
Pro Tips:
- You can combine some attributes of your query with a ; to get more specific queries. For example: grade_level=6; gender=m gives you a list of all 6th grade boys.
- If you're searching for INACTIVE students, start your query with a / like this: /first_name=Bob returns all inactive students with first name Bob
- In a lot of cases, you can change the operators = to greater than > or less than < to tweak your results that have dates
RUP Related Info (for more in-depth details, see the article here):
RUP Parent Signature: AUP=yes / AUP=no / AUP=
RUP Student Signature: WSR=yes / WSR=no / WSR=
Media Release Notification: PMR=yes / PMR=no / PMR=
Restricted Media Release Form on File: RMR=yes / RMR=no / RMR=
Paid in Full: Device_Paid=yes / Device_Paid=no / Device_paid=
Payment Plan Installment 1: Device_Payment_Plan=yes / Device_Payment_Plan=no / Device_Payment_Plan=
Payment Plan Installment 2: U_Students.Extension.DevicePayment=yes / U_Students.Extension.DevicePayment=no /U_Students.Extension.DevicePayment=
Payment Plan Scholarship for Installment 2 - Paid in Full: Device_FRC=yes / Device_FRC=no / Device_FRC=
Student Day Use Only: Device_Day_Use_Only=yes / Device_Day_Use_Only=no / Device_Day_Use_Only=
Comments: Device_User_Comments=yes / Device_User_Comments=no / Device_User_Comments=