This article will cover how to authenticate into Securly, when you are using the Securly browser extension. Currently this is deployed just to Maryville Virtual School students.

The securly browser extension is designed to automatically bring you to an authentication page like below, whenever it needs you to reauthenticate. Whenever you see this page, you should be able to click the Login with Microsoft Azure AD button and it will refresh your page and you will be able to see the page you are needing, assuming it is not blocked by securly.

If you think you may not be being filtered correctly, you can clear cache and cookies on your browser. When you do this and reopen it, it will bring you back to the securly sign in page.

To clear cache and cookies, click Control + Shift + Delete while you have your browser open. This will bring up the following window. Be sure the bottom two boxes are checked and change the time range drop down to say All Time. After this click clear now.

Once it finishes, close out of Edge and reopen it. This will bring you back to the securly login page so you can reauthenticate.