Dell command update is an app pushing to the new teacher devices that allows for automatically updating driver software from one program. 

If you see this pop up in the bottom right corner of your screen, this means you have some updates to run.

To run the updates, you can click install on the pop up and it will download pending updates in the background and apply them on the next restart, or you can search for Dell Command Update on the taskbar and manually install them by opening the app.

Once you open it, all you should need to do is click the check button and it will search for any driver updates that are available and then it will give you a button to install. Be sure to keep the device connected to the dock while it runs these updates, as it can also update the firmware on the Docking Stations if it finds an update for them. Note that while it downloads the updates, you can minimize the window and continue working/teaching. If you do not want the program to automatically restart the computer to install the updates, uncheck the box at the bottom before clicking check.

When I ran this on a brand new laptop, it took around 15 minutes, but note that it could take longer and it may need to restart after the process, depending on the type of updates needed and the amount.