There are 2 methods - generating a list in bulk, or checking an individual student.

To check in bulk, you can use the following queries from the main PowerSchool search box:

To find all students in your school who DO have a restricted media request on file (i.e., the ones on the list to not release to media):


To find all students in your school who DO have a restricted directory information request on file:


To check individuals, go to the Custom Screens --> AUP page for the student you're looking up:

Field number 1 below is for Restricted Media Request on File (the same as U_StudentsUserFields.rmr=yes above)

Field number 2 below is for Restrictred Directory Request on File (the same as U_StudentsUserFields.ddi=yes above)

How do people get added to this list? 

There is a step in the PowerSchool registration process that provides a link to a form for parents to fill out if they'd like to request these extra media release and directory information protections. When they fill out the form, it automatically generates a ticket in our tech support system, and they get updated in PowerSchool within 48 hours of submission.

During the summer registration period, I let these collect in bulk and do one big end of summer run before updating them. Once the summer update is done, students are added based on the automatically generated tickets like normal.

IMPORTANT: IF you process any of these requests at your school outside of the form that is linked in the PowerSchool verification process (like if you make your own paper form, or accept verbal requests for the opt-out), it's your school's responsibility to enter them in PS to make sure they don't get lost outside of the process. I don't suggest process these outside of the official process, but I know how things get sometimes.