Pre-requisities: 2 ipads or other mobile devices with the Microsoft Translate app installed.

On the teacher device:

1) Launch app

2) Tap on "Start Conversation" --> Start

3) Enter your name and language you speak

4) Click "Enter" to enter the conversation. It will give a QR code and the room code. If the student is ready to join the session, they can go ahead and join at this time. If not, they can join using the 5 letter code at any time after this.

OPTIONAL: Click on the settings icon in the upper right hand corner and turn presenter mode ON if you want to start a recording session and leave it running (i.e., for a class lecture). If you want to limit it to translating to only when you push the microphone button, leave it OFF. 

That's it -- anyone who joins the join will receive translations of what you say while the microphone button is activated (or while presenter mode is turned on).

On the student device:

1) Launch app

2) Under "Join Conversation" enter the 5 letter code or take a picture of the QR code on the teacher device and tap "Join"

3) Enter your name and language you would like to see and hear on the device.

4) To have the session translated in audio, click on the settings icon in the upper right hand corner and toggle "Auto-Play Messages" to ON. This will automatically translate everything in the session to audio in the student's chosen language. Once turned on, this feature will stay on until it's turned off, so you don't have to turn it on each time -- set it and forget it!

That's it -- this device is now translating the speaker's words into the listeners language in text and audio in close to real-time.