Typically, this means you've been logged out of our filter, Securly. This login process usually happens automatically because it's tied to our Office 365 accounts, but sometimes it needs a jumpstart.

1) Log in to Classlink (launchpad.classlink.com/maryville)

2) Click on the appropriate Securly login icon - either Securly Student Login or Securly Staff Login

3) It will walk you through logging in to your Office 365 account. If it prompts for "Work or School Account" or "Personal" account, choose "Work or School"

4) If you see Wikipedia pop up, it worked!

5) If you continue to have access trouble, open a support ticket with your school. It would be super helpful when you do this if you can include a screenshot of the page you see when you're blocked. Especially if it's a page with gnomes on it... if so, click on the "More Details" link that will bring up your username and blocking policy on to the page before taking the screenshot.